I Can: Identify the first civilizations
Question of the Day: Which early civilization was the most influential?
What we did:
Quick review of Pre-History
Watched "Lost Civilizations: Mesopotamia, Out of Eden"
Took 'PIN' Notes: Positive, Interesting, Negative
Babylon, Assyria, Sumer
Watched edited (Deleted minute 3:45-4:11) Crash Course #3 Mesopotamia
Took Notes on worksheet
Question of the Day: Which early civilization was the most influential?
What we did:
Quick review of Pre-History
Watched "Lost Civilizations: Mesopotamia, Out of Eden"
Took 'PIN' Notes: Positive, Interesting, Negative
Babylon, Assyria, Sumer
Watched edited (Deleted minute 3:45-4:11) Crash Course #3 Mesopotamia
Took Notes on worksheet