Middle East unit - Portfolio assignments
Middle east OverviewCoversheet
This is the overview of the assignments that are due for this unit. Middle East/Egypt Study Guide
Complete this paper to help you study for the test. |
MesopotamiaHammurabi's Code
The first set of written laws in recorded history. Assyria, Sumer, Babylon The first three civilizations in recorded history. Crash Course A quick overview of Mesopotamia |
A progressive society that reflects life today. African Advancements Africa the cradle of civilization Islam Expansion Explore historical documents to analyze the expansion of Islam. |
Modern IslamMiddle East Overview
Notes Modern Islam PowerPoint Notes for Modern Islam 21st Century Middle East PowerPoint Notes & vocabulary for 21st Century Middle East |
Map: Draw a map including the following locations:
Turkey Iran Egypt Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Iraq Israel Black Sea Persian Gulf Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Arabian Sea Indian Ocean Caspian Sea Timeline: Put the following events in order: Neolithic Jesus Christ teaches in Palestine Islam is founded Sumerians develop cuneiform Paleolithic Two jet liners crash into the World Trade Center Hammurabi's Code River Valley Civilizations emerge and history begins (Mesopotamia) Constitution of the United States is drafted TextBook Assignment: Chapter 2 - Sections 1 (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 Part 1) pg. 43 - Section 2 (1, 2, 4, 7) pg. 53 |