World Religion Portfolio
hinduismHinduism PowerPoint
Notes for Hinduism Caste System Game Sheet Your Dharma in this life will determine your caste in the next. |
buddhismBuddhism PowerPoint
Notes for Buddhism Comic Story Illustrate Siddartha Gautama's journey in becoming the Budda taoismTaoism Video
Short video explaining the Taoist (pronounced Dao) philosophy |
judaismJudaism PowerPoint
Notes for Judaism Jewish Celebrations Read excerpts from the Old Testament and the Torah to learn about Jewish Holiday Celebrations. Then Reflect on what you learned. Purim - Reading #1 Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. Passover - Reading # 2 Passover is celebrated every year as a time to remember when the Israelites escaped from being slaves in Egypt. Hanukkah - Reading # 3 The eight-day, 2,000-year-old holiday, also called the Festival of Lights, celebrates God's glory, an ancient victory of the Jews over their enemies, and the freedom that Jews enjoy today. |
christianityChristianity PowerPoint
a few Notes for Christianity Christian Underground Scavenger Hunt Christianity was an outlawed Religion in Rome, so students get most of their Christianity notes by following the ichthus fish for clues and notes. |
islamIslam PowerPoint
Notes for Islam Quran Readings Reading excerpts and explanations from the Quran, students debunk common misconceptions about Islam. Quran Reading #1 Is Islam a religion that encourages violence? Quran Reading #2 Does Islam discriminate against women and believe they are unequal to men? Quran Reading #1 Is Islam in conflict with Christianity & Judaism? |