Summer School - World History
Ancient CivilizationsWorld ReligionsGlobal ConflictsWorld War IThe Causes of World War I | Due:
Use this link to determine the causes of World War I and complete the Causes of WWI Cluster worksheet. WWI - Treaty of Versailles | Due: Epic History: 1914, 1917, 1918 WWI Vocabulary: Part 1 & Part 2 Hitler vs. the Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles: Germany = BRAT Blame, Reparations, Army, Territory World War IIWWII - Map & Timeline | Due:
Track major events on the post WWI Map as you watch, "WWII in Color" during class. Life in Germany | Due: Take P.I.N. Notes as we watch Episode 2 - Life in Germany. Propaganda | Due: Complete the USC Shoah Foundation interactive assignments. 1. Students need to go to: and register (create a log-in) using the class code listed below. 2. Choose at least 2 of the 1 hour assignments to complete. 3. Complete your selected assignments and write at least 5 questions you still have. |